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Item Untitled(Université Mouloud Mammeri Tizi Ouzou, 2022-07) Necib, Walid; Imadouchene, HakimCe travail consiste à faire une étude conception et l’élaboration d’une gamme d’usinage pour une Tubing Head, qui est une composante du wellhead (équipement de production des hydrocarbures) en effectuant un stage à l’entreprise national des services aux puits. Il débutera d’abord par la présentation de l’entreprise puis des généralités sur le domaine pétrolier afin de comprendre les différents composants d’un puits, ensuite les normes nécessaires pour la conception et l’usinage. Désormais il procédera à une conception conforme aux normes exigées, une fois que la conception est achevée, c’est au tour de l’élaboration d’une gamme d’usinage, pour conclure avec le test du produit ainsi qu’une discussion à propos des remarques et propositions de solutions.Item 1984 : utopie ou dystopie totalitaire(Université Mouloud MAMMERI Tizi-Ouzou, 2021) Smail, Mouhamed Raouf; Sekhaine, AissaItem 1er Novembre(Université Mouloud Mammeri, 2017-06) Gherbi, Hamza; Bourek, KoceilaUn projet de renouvellement urbain consiste en une somme d’interventions sur le bâti, les espaces publics, les usages et les circulations, qui se concrétisent dans des opérations spécifiques telle que: la requalification, et cela dans le but de reconstruire la ville sur elle-même pour répondre ainsi au principe du renouvellement urbain par le biais du développement durable et la démarche bioclimatique et pour un objectif de mixité sociale. Tizi-Ouzou, de part son patrimoine historique, culturel et naturel est propice au développement sur plusieurs échelle, notamment commerciale, cependant ses richesses se trouvent menacées par l’urbanisation accélérée, la non planification et le non-respect de l’environnement. Notre objectif principal est de redynamiser cette ville afin de promouvoir le commerce qui s’inscrirait dans le cadre du développement durable. Notre but est de remédier à l’aspect informel de notre site d’intervention, tout en gardant la mémoire des lieux, en projetant un centre commercial, il s’agit en effet d’un projet respectueux de l’environnement de par sa conception architecturale et le programme qu’il propose, conçu pour être en parfaite harmonie et en symbiose avec son environnement, destiné à l’échange et la mixité sociale. Mots clés : Tizi-Ouzou, requalification, mémoire des lieux, environnement, développement durable, informel, commerce, charnière, échange et mixité social.Item 1er Novembre pour un nouveau coeur dynamique et attractif ressuscitant la mémoire du lieu(Université Mouloud Mammeri, 2017-06) Babadji, Katia; Bendou, DehbiaTizi-Ouzou est située dans la région de la Kabylie en plein massif du Djurdjura. Nous l’avons choisie comme cas d’étude pour la richesse de son patrimoine, la diversité de ses tissus et de son relief, et enfin la volonté d’améliorer son image, étant nous-mêmes ses habitantes puisqu’elle souffre de disfonctionnement et de déséquilibre entre ses différentes entités ainsi que d’un urbanisme anarchique. Notre intervention concerne le quartier du 1er Novembre,charnière entre deux espaces très actifs qui sont la ville et la nouvelle ville. Cette entité est devenue un couloir de transit malgré la présence de plusieurs équipements de grande envergure « Université, Hôpital, Stade … » qui semblent tourner le dos à la ville. Le but de notre travail est d’améliorer l’image urbaine du quartier, vu que le marché informel altère sa qualité, et devenu une tache noire dans la ville. Tout en essayant de faire le lien avec le patrimoine existant qui est le Bordj turc écarté du vécu de la ville, nous allons proposer un projet urbain et architectural qui va réunir le loisir, la culture et qui ressuscitera la mémoire du lieu. Mots clé Quartier du 1er Novembre, patrimoine, mémoire du lieu, loisir, cultureItem 2-Hydroxy arylaldéhyde dans la synthèse de colorants azoiques(UMMTO, 2017) Khelil, Lylia; Rahmi, LyndaL'objectif de notre travail consiste en la préparation d'azo-composés, au moyen de la réaction dediazotation de 4-Bromo aniline suivie d'une copulation sur le salicylaldéhyde ou l'un deItem A Comparative Psychoanalytical Reading of the Main Characters in Eugene O’Neill’s Long Day’s Journey into Night and William Faulkner’s Go Down Moses(Mouloud Mammeri University, 2023) Ait Mokhtar NaceraThis dissertation examines the intricate relationship between literature and the human psyche, focusing on themes of trauma, the past, and the archetypal manifestations of the collective unconscious as explored by two prominent American authors, Eugene O'Neill and William Faulkner. Through a detailed analysis of O'Neill's play "Long Day's Journey into Night" and Faulkner's short stories "Go Down, Moses" and "The Fire and the Hearth," this study delves into the psychological underpinnings of these seminal works. Utilizing the psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung, the research investigates the characters' psychological disturbances rooted in their pasts and the broader implications of the collective unconscious. O'Neill's personal struggles, including his tumultuous family dynamics and battles with alcoholism and depression, profoundly inform his writing, particularly in "Long Day's Journey into Night," which is often regarded as his most autobiographical work. By comparing the psychological landscapes of O'Neill and Faulkner, this dissertation aims to illuminate the complexities of familial relationships and the enduring impact of trauma in American literature.Item A Comparative Study of Elizabeth Gaskell’s North and South (1855) and Edith Wharton’s The House of Mirth (1905): A New Historicist Reading(Université Mouloud Mammeri, 2023) SADOUDI Celia; TIGHALTINE KarimaThe present dissertation is a comparative thematic study of Elizabeth Gaskell’s North and South (1855) and Edith Wharton’s The House of Mirth (1905). As a supporting theory, our research paper relies on Stephen Greenblatt’s approach of New Historicism because a literary work is not separated from its historical context. The aim of this work is to show that despite the historical and historical differences that exist between the two selected novels, they share many themes in common among which we cite “class division” and “women’s status”. Following IMRAD method, my dissertation has started with a presentation of the two authors Elizabeth Gaskell and Edith Wharton and their novels North and South and The House of Mirth. In Method and Materials, we have explained the reason of our choice of New Historicism approach. In our analysis of this topic, our discussion is divided into two chapters. The first chapter focuses on the notion of ‘Class division’ in North and South where the Victorian society was divided into two main classes the ‘middle’ and the ‘working’ classes. Also, in the second section of the chapter we have highlighted the issue of ‘Women’s Question’ as a prominent theme in the novel. In its turn, the second chapter deals with the same themes in The House of Mirth including the issue of ‘Social Class’ that divided the American society into the ‘upper’ and the ‘working’ classes, and we have also tended to depict the American “ideal woman” and how she struggled to break the traditional values of the patriarchal societyItem A Comparative Study of Mother-Daughter Relationships: Challenges and Resolution through a Care Ethics Perspective in Elizabeth Strout‘s Amy and Isabelle (1998) and Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of Bees (2001)(Mouloud Mammeri University, 2023) Hassani Fatima; Seddiki DjedjigaThis research is a comparative study of Elizabeth Strout’s Amy and Isabelle (1998) and Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of Bees (2001). The aim of this work is to explore mother-daughter relationships in both narratives, focusing on the challenges and resolutions within these dynamics. The theoretical framework is grounded in Carol Gilligan’s and Nel Noddings’ Care Ethics Perspective. The findings reveal that maternal figures and their daughters face significant challenges, such as past traumas, communication breakdowns due to generational differences, and the influence of social judgments and community expectations. Additionally, the research highlights the processes of healing and transformation that occur through open communication, mutual understanding, and social solidarity. Overall, the study suggests that care ethics provides a critical framework for understanding the complexities of these relationships, illustrating how emotional labour fosters resilience and strengthens connections in mother-daughter dynamics.Item A Comparative Study of Social Prejudice in Thomas Hardy’s The Return of the Native (1878) and Mouloud Feraoun's Les chemins qui montent (1975)(Mouloud Mammeri University, 2022) Chettir Tassadit; Sahad LiliaThis dissertation explores and compares the theme of social prejudice and its implications on individuals in Thomas Hardy’s (1878) The Return of the Native and Mouloud Feraoun’s (1957) Les chemins qui montent. Our central purpose is to study the way Hardy and Feraoun represent social prejudice in their literary works. Gordon Allport’s (1954) theoretical framework The Nature of Prejudice provides the necessary knowledge for understanding the basis of social prejudice. The findings of this research paper are based on the female characters of both novels Eustacia and Dehbia. The two women struggle and fight against the social norms of their native villages to gain independence. The results also shed light on the male protagonists Clym and Amer who suffer from deception and anxiety because of their social environment. We concluded that, despite the distinct cultural origins, Hardy and Feraoun emotionally show how people can be affected by social pressure. Through Eustacia, Dehbia, Clym and Amer we understand the sorrowful situation a person can experience once being targeted.Item A Comparative Study of the Representation of Princess Diana After her Death in the British ‘SkyNews’, the Australian ‘The Nine Network’ and the American ‘NBC News’ Television Channels Discourses(Mouloud Mammeri University, 2023-10) Bentchakal Nassima; Zekri YasmineThe present dissertation aims to conduct a comparative study of the representation of Princess Diana in the British ‘Sky News’, the Australian ‘The Nine Network’ and the American ‘NBC News’ television channels discourses. With two primary objectives, the study seeks to first, analyze and evaluate how Princess Diana's image was constructed and how her legacy was maintained in the discourses of these three selected television channels. Second, the study aims to identify the convergences and divergences between the three aforementioned TV discourses. To achieve these objectives, one television channel discourse is selected from each of the chosen television channels via their respective YouTube channels, serving as the corpus for this study. Following Fairclough Critical Discourse Analysis Approach, the analysis of the selected television channels' discourses is categorized into two main areas: vocabulary and grammar. This research takes a qualitative approach, and the results are interpreted through Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA). The analysis of the three television channels discourses on Princess Diana reveals a convergence in their portrayal of her as a beloved and influential figure with a profound and enduring legacy. Despite variations in linguistic emphasis and language usage, there is a consensus on key aspects of her life and contributions, including her humanitarian work, emotional connection with the public , and transformative impact on the monarchy and society. Finally, the study offers suggestions for further research for future researchers interested in exploring the field of media.Item A Dialogue on Ideology and Utopia in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) and Boualem Sansal’s 2084 La fin du monde (2015).(Université Mouloud Mammeri, 2021) DAHMANI KahinaThe present dissertation sets out to analyse the dialogue between George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty- Four (1949) And Boualem Sansal’s 2084 La fin du monde (2015). It investigates the portrayed dystopias and the idea of totalitarianism. To examine this point, this dissertation brings into focus the utopian evolution into dystopia. This paper also seeks to examine the influence of the authors’ backgrounds on the creation of their totalitarian worlds and the dialogue that exists between their texts To reach these aims, this paper has relied on Karl Mannheim’s Ideology and Utopia and Mikhail Bakhtin’s conception of “dialogism.” This analysis tries to demonstrate that although both writers come from different areas and lived in different periods, they share the same concerns and reflect the same issue that characterized their time. Both have portrayed the rise of harsh totalitarian governments that seem to threaten modern societies.Item A Fanonian Reading of Jamal Mahjoub’s In the Hour of Signs (1996)(Mouloud Mammeri University, 2022) Taib KathiaThis present research paper has studied Jamal Mahjoub’s In the Hour of Signs (1996) from a Fanonian perspective elaborated in his book The Wretched of the Earth (1963). It begins with a chapter on the background of the Mahdist revolution in Sudan and its reflection in the novel in order to provide context to the analyses that follow. Within the framework of Fanon’s theory of violence, our research has examined the Turco-Egyptian and British colonial regimes’ use of violence to establish and maintain their rule over Sudan. This kind of rule led to the emergence of the Mahdist revolutionary movement which aimed to liberate Sudan by confronting the colonizers’ violence with the counter-violence of the colonized. Despite the fact that the movement was decisively exterminated by the British at the Battle of Omdurman, the Mahdists’ use of force enabled them to win many previous battles, subjugate many parts of Sudan and capture Khartoum. Then, our research has examined the rejection of the colonialists’ ideologies by the Mahdists, who always favoured their own beliefs and traditional systems, and the subversion of colonialism through irony and satirization. The latter is seen, for example, in the Mahdists mockery on the ideology of colonialism itself, their ironic defeat of Hicks’ army and the satirical description of the Bash-Buzuq. Throughout our analyses, we have concluded that Mahjoub’s novel is historical; colonialism is a violent rule which must be withdrawn by greater violence; and that the colonialists and their ideologies are always rejected and mocked on by the colonized.Item A Genre Analysis Study of Master Conclusions. The Case Study: Didactics of Foreign Languages Dissertations Written Between 2018 and 2020 of English Department at MMUTO(Université Mouloud Mammeri, 2022) RAHOUI Samira; HAMADOUCHE HananeGenre analysis has gained so much interest among genre analysts all around the world. Thus, our study aims at investigating the generic structure of the concluding chapters of Didactics Master Dissertation written by students of MMUTO from 2018 to 2020. Furthermore, this study has three objectives. The first one is to clarify and bring to light the different moves and steps followed by Didactics Master Students of the university of Tizi-Ouzou. The second objective is to raise the student’s disciplinary awareness. The last one is to raise student’s generic awareness through explicitly teaching the different generic templates such as Bunton’s (2005) for conclusions. Therefore, to achieve these objectives, Bunton’s (2005) model of conclusions is adopted as a theoretical framework for the analysis. In order to reach the objectives, a move analysisis used to study the moves and steps used in each dissertation conclusion, and the quantitative method is used to report the results. Thus, the findings have presented quantitatively as statistics using the rule of three. The results gathered from this study have revealed that all the five moves are present in the twenty Didactics of Foreign Languages Master Dissertation Conclusions, as for the steps some are fully achieved such as ‘Purpose’, ‘Method and Findings’, and ‘Recommendations for Future Research’. Some others are rarely achieved, as ‘Research Questions and Hypotheses’, ‘Claims’, ‘Implications’. Whereas Reference to Previous Research is totally overlooked. In addition, the results have revealed that the majority of Didactics of Foreign Languages Master Students have opted for an additional step which is ‘Limitations of the Study’. The conclusion to be drawn from the different outcomes shows that Bunton’s (2005) moves are all achieved. As for the steps, it was the student’s choice to include them all or to abandon some because of their lack of disciplinary and generic awareness. The pedagogical implications of this study are primarily concerned with the need to raise student’s generic and disciplinary awareness through an explicit teaching of genre and more specifically, conclusion as a part-genre.Item à l’aide deContribution à la caractérisation d’un réservoir pétrolier et estimation des réserves initialement en place diagraphies différées (cas : Bassin d’Illizi : unité IV-3 de l’Ordovicien du champ d’Amassak)(Université Mouloud Mammeri, 2016-12-07) Lamrani, Ryma; Sam, NaimaLe champ d’Amassak est l’un des principaux gisements de la région de Tin Fouyé Tabankort (TFT), située au Nord-Ouest du bassin d’Illizi, à environ 300 km d’In Amenas et 500 km de Hassi Messaoud. Dans le présent travail, nous traitons à partir de données diagraphiques réalisées sur quatre puits du gisement d’Amassak, et, plus particulièrement de l’unité VI-3 de l’Ordovicien, de l’évaluation des paramètres pétrophysiques du réservoir et de l’estimation des réserves par le calcul du volume des hydrocarbures initialement en place. Les enregistrements diagraphiques et leurs interprétations nous fournissent l’essentiel des paramètres pétrophysiques du réservoir et nous confirment la présence des hydrocarbures en place. En effet, ces outils permettent une mise en évidence rapide sur le chantier des zones réservoirs et la détermination de la lithologie, la porosité et la saturation de ces zones. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, six différentes techniques de diagraphies ont été utilisées : le Caliper, le Gamma Ray, la Résistivité, le Neutron, la Densité et le Sonique. L’utilisation de deux logiciels « Tech log » et « Surfer », nous a permis de charger, d’analyser et d’interpréter les données des logs obtenus par ces diverses techniques, dans le but d’évaluer les paramètres pétrophysiques du réservoir ordovicien (Unité IV-3), d’abord au niveau de chaque puits par l’interprétation des logs, puis par leur distribution à travers l’ensemble de la zone étudiée ( élaboration et interprétation des cartes en isovaleurs). Ce travail est ponctué par l’estimation du volume des hydrocarbures initialement contenu dans le réservoir de la zone étudiée (unité IV-3), par application de la méthode volumétrique basée sur les caractéristiques statiques du gisement. C’est ainsi que l’étude a abouti à l’estimation des réserves en huile dans l’unité IV-3 du réservoir Ordovicien du champ d’Amassak qui donne un volume de l’ordre de 51.956 MMm3 initialement en place.Item A semiotic Analysis of the Representation of Women in Kabyle and Western Song Lyrics(Mouloud Mammeri University, 2024-06) Ammour Melissa; Ait Abdesselam FaziaThe present dissertation adopts a multidisciplinary approach incorporating, Media Studies, Music Studies, and Gender Studies. It offers an in-depth comparative analysis of the ways women are represented in Kabyle and English song lyrics. The objectives of this study are twofold. First, it aims to inspect and explore the presence of women’s empowerment in western and Kabyle music. Second, it intends to investigate the extent to which these representations reflect or challenge societal views in both musical contexts. To answer these research questions, a qualitative approach is adopted. Twenty songs, equally divided between English and Kabyle music, were selected within this context. The research draws upon Charles Sanders Peirce’s triadic theory of signs to lay the foundation for uncovering the underlying meanings within the lyrics involving the interplay between the sign, the object, and the interpretant, in addition to the adoption of a second theory, Max Weber’s Verstehen theory, as a means to interpret the songs. The findings reveal that female empowerment is manifested in both western and Kabyle musical contexts through communicating empowered messages to embolden girls and women to break the traditional gender roles. The study reveals that women’s representation indeed deconstructs societal expectations to an extent while perpetuating them in certain ways within the western perspective. However, the Kabyle context, for its part, concerns itself with challenging these social norms to a greater extent.Item A Semiotic Analysis of YouTubeFashion Films: Dior and Chanel as a Case Study(Mouloud Mammeri University, 2022) Aite Amel; Belkacemi MaissaThe current dissertation investigates the semiotic analysis of Dior and Chanel fashion films concerned with women. A corpus-based study includes 10 short videos from YouTube five from Dior and five from Chanel.It analyzes the process of fashion production by using Ronald Barthes’s theory Levels of Signification mentioned in his essay Rhetoric of the Image as a tool for interpreting the proper message behind short fashion films. A qualitative approach is a research method that helps to explore and deeply understand complex phenomena through non-numerical data.The findings show that Dior and Chanel are two iconic French fashion houses that specialize in women’s fashion and our analysis shows how the two brands use the concepts of Barthes: Denotation, Connotation, and Modern myth, adding two concepts used by fashion makers Storytelling and Signs and codes. Moreover, the comparison revealed that both brands had certain aesthetic similarities and slight differences. The findings indicate that women are portrayed as active, strong and independent. At the same time, they are elegant and feminine.Item Abattage du poulet de chair dans la wilaya de Tizi-Ouzou : étude de quelques caractéristiques(Université Mouloud Mammeri, 2018-09-30) Abdellaoui, Nacera; Bachir, SabrinaL’abattage est souvent considéré comme un simple moyen de transition entre l’élevage et le consommateur. En effet, l’impact de cette étape sur le produit final qualitativement et quantitativement est souvent ignoré. C’est dans ce contexte que cette étude a été conçue. Le travail s’est déroulé au niveau de trois abattoirs dans la région de Tizi-Ouzou sur un échantillon de 450 poulets. L’objectif est d’effectuer un ensemble de contrôles sur les poulets à abattre, poids vif à l’abattage ; le rendement des carcasses ; des abats et du gras abdominal, et essayer de déterminer quelques caractéristiques du poulet de chair avant l’abattage, le poids et l’âge à la vente ; l’indice de consommation ; le gain moyen quotidien et le taux de mortalité. Nos résultats ont révélé que le poulet consommé est de catégorie moyenne avec un poids carcasse qui varie entre 1747,5 g et 2220 g. Les carcasses finales présentent un rendement en viande évalué à 74,10%. Les performances obtenues dans la présente étude sont satisfaisants par rapport aux travaux antérieurs. L’amélioration des facteurs de production et la maitrise de la bonne conduite d’élevage, ainsi les opérations d’abattage, peuvent contribuer à l’optimisation du rendement à l’abattage. Cependant, un effort d’amélioration reste à faire pour les études similaires prochaines.Item Abattement des concentrations en sels d’alumine dans les eaux traitées de la station SEAAL du barrage de TAKSEBT par des procédés d’adsorption(Université Mouloud Mammeri, 2018) Medjdoul, Fatima; Kadjite, KameliaDans ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés à la diminution du taux de l’aluminium résiduel dans l’eau potable issue du barrage de Taksebt de Tizi-Ouzou. Pour cela on a utilisé une bentonite d’origine algérienne, on a aussi préparé un charbon actif naturel en valorisant la sciure de bois de la région ; puis on les a utilisé comme floculant dans l’étape de coagulation-floculation, en reproduisant les mêmes conditions habituelles de la station. En premier lieu on a optimisé les doses à rajouter à savoir 1mg/l de charbon actif ou de bentonite et 10 mg/l des sels d’Aluminium; les essais ont été concluant et ont permis de réduire de 32% la quantité d'aluminium résiduel dans l’eau traitée représenté par une moyenne d’environ 0,136 mg / avec un minimum de 0,1 mg / l et un maximum de 0,16 mg /l. Pour mieux interpréter nos résultats on a utilisé le logiciel « R » pour une étude statistique représentative. Au final on a une qualité physico-chimique d’eau de moindre risque sur la santé du consommateur tout en protégeant notre environnement.Item Abjection, Melancholia, and Revolt in Russell Banks’s The Reserve (2008).(Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou, 2018) Hallou, Kahina; Fettouche, DihiaThis research paper explores a psychological study of Russell Banks’s novel entitled The Reserve (2008).The study relied on Julia Kristeva’s psycho-poetical theory, and drew on some of its significant concepts such as Abjection, Melancholia, and Revolt that are mirrored through The Reserve’s characters. Focus has been laid on the analyses of the psychological state of the main characters and their bizarre and unexpected behaviors. Yet our dissertation was not restricted to a superficial study of Banks’s characters but we have also go deeper into their journeys that were undertaken to search a stable and unique identity. Analysis revolved around what makes them suffer to achieve their expected goals and on their shifting from abjection to melancholia and then to a psychological revolt. This study has reached some of the following conclusions. The first one is that all humans are searching for an identity of their own even though they come from different environments, classes, and witnessing different experiences. The second conclusion is that all the subjects in process revolt to get out from depression but Revolt differs from one subject to another.Item Abjection, Melancholia, Marginality and Resistance in Jesmyn’s Ward “Salvage the Bones” (2011) and Alice Munro’s Selected Short Stories from “Dear Life Collection” (2012) and “The Dance Of the Happy shades” (1968)(Mouloud Mammeri University, 2022) Bournane Nassima; Boucetta TafsutThis master‟s dissertation explores on a comprehensive examination of character portrayal within Jesmyn‟s Ward “Salvage The Bones” (2011) and Alice Munro‟s selected short stories from “Dear life collection” (2012) and “The Dance Of The Happy Shades” (1968) through the theoretical frameworks of Julia Krestiva‟s concepts of “Abjection” and “Melancholia”, coupled with bell hooks theory “From Margin To Center”. The first chapter delves into Krestiva's thesis, getting into characters' complicated emotional landscapes, showing their innermost complexities, and finding underlying tensions. By applying Krestiva‟s analytic tools, this chapter illuminates the character‟s intimate relationships with their environments, examining the boundaries of self and other, and ultimately offering a profound understanding of their multifaceted identities. In the second chapter, the exploration extends to include Hooks‟ theoretical lens, shedding light on how characters navigate their positions within social peripheries. Through Hooks‟ theory, this chapter demonstrates the agency and resilience displayed by characters as they strive to transcend societal constrains and asserts their own narratives. This thesis not only provides a detailed portrayal of the characters‟ struggles, but also offers a study on issues of identity, societal norms and the capacity for agency.