Kristin Hannah’s The nightingale (2015) and Zohra Drif’s Inside the battle of Algiers (2017): A Comparative Study
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Mouloud Mammeri University
This dissertation is a comparative study of The Nightingale (2015) by Kristin Hannah and Inside the Battle of Algiers (2017) by Zohra Drif. It examines the theme of women's resistance, resilience, as well as the traumas of World War II and the Algerian War of Independence. In order to carry out this research, we relied on Frantz Fanon’s A dying colonialism (1965), the theory of resilience (1992) by Norman Garmezy, and Judith Herman’s Trauma and Recovery (1997). In our analysis, we put a considerable emphasis on the thematic similarities of the two works, like women’s roles and their resistance and the way they recovered from trauma. This research is divided into five major sections, which include a general introduction, methods and materials, results, discussion, and a conclusion. After analyzing the characters’ experiences and the socio-political contexts in which the two authors lived, we come to the findings that women in different historical and cultural contexts have faced the same experiences as they asserted agency and contributed largely in the resistance movements. The key findings demonstrate the importance of acknowledging women's contributions to historical narratives, and their role in shifting gender roles especially in wartime. The Algerian or the French women during war act similarly at the level of resistance and present the same insights of resilience towards traumas and violent situations.
70p. ; 30cm(+CD-Rom)
Violence, resilience, resistance, Trauma, woman
Literature and Civilization