Translation of the first and second book of the 2005 Family code of Algeria from Arabic into English “Problems and solutions”

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The translation of legal terminology can not be performed without regard to legal-cultural concepts and differences between legal systems. Problems in the translation from Arabic into English of the legal terminology of the Arab personal status law originate from the fact that this field particularly takes its main sources from the Islamic law and French law which means that many terms do not have an equivalent in English . This dissertation analyzes this field through the translation of the first part of the 2005 Algerian Family Code into English which has no prior English translation. This part consists in the 1st book related to marriage and its dissolution and the 2nd book related to the legal representation. Through this translation, we will attempt to analyze the legal language as well as the kind of translation related to it. Moreover, we will try to highlight the common difficulties encountering in translating the religious and legal terms used in this part and present the appropriate strategies to follow in order to solve them. For this purpose, we divided our research work into four chapters. The definition, history and elements of our corpus are the focus of the first chapter. Then, a second chapter is devoted to present our suggested translation of the aforementioned part of the Family Code of Algeria. The third chapter analyses the legal language, both English and Arabic, and provides a brief definition of the legal translation. Finally, the fourth chapter is a study of the main difficulties in translating the religious and legal terms. It provides some strategies used to deal with these difficulties depending on the skopos “purpose” of our translation which is to give an English version of the first part of the Family Code. A list of this terminology and its translation is also presented in this chapter.


p.70; 30 cm. (+CD)


